Monday, April 25, 2011


One thing that remains consistent in New York is graffiti. It has always been here & will probably be here when we are gone. The combination of colors and different styles are endless.

Easter Sunday 2011

As a kid growing up in NY we would do Easter pretty much the same way every year.  Church with a pretty dress and bonnet to match.  Have some lunch go home and change into something different and head out to Coney Island.  Things done changed, I haven't done that in years.  I think the last time I did that my son was 7.  With that said I spent Easter Sunday totally different than the norm.  I spent it with my loved ones at Macys for a photo shoot with some of The Lo Lifes.  I must say it was quite Dope to see a bunch of people come out in their Sundays best. (old and new)